Essex Taxi
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Taxi Services in Connecticut (CT)
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Service Policy

Liability for delays

The carrier shall not be held liable for delays caused by an Act of God, public enemies, authority of law, quarantine, perils of navigation, riots, strikes, hazards of danger due to a state of war (declared or undeclared), accidents, breakdown, hazardous weather conditions, and other conditions beyond the control of the carrier. The carrier does not guarantee to endeavor to maintain the schedule submitted by its agent or employee. The carrier is not to be held liable in any way for a failure to maintain its schedule.

Objectionable persons

The carrier reserves the right to refuse transport or to discontinue transport of any person who, in the carrier's judgment, is incapable of taking care of himself or herself or whose conduct is such as to make him or her objectionable to or a danger to other persons, the driver, or the vehicle.


Baggage will not be checked. Personal baggage and other paraphernalia necessary for the purpose of the trip will be limited to the capacity of the vehicle and will be transported in the custody of the passenger at no additional charge. Essex Taxi is not responsible for articles left in the vehicle.

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